**Welcome And Cheer Yourself!**

Welcome Myspace Comments

Welcome My Dearest Friends,,

Hello My Sweet,Charming friends!!
Welcome to MY BLOG!!
Please Comfort Yourself While You're Here..
Cartoons Myspace Comments

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Happy Belated Birthday My Uncle!

100 days without news,
100 days without call,
100 days without meet,
But no matter what,
100 days doesn't mean I will forget your special day,,
And it is your birth day,
Sorrry sebab lewat 2 hari dan 26 minit.
Nk msg,nom dah hilang so,,
Here,your present.
Mudah2an,Pak lif akan sentiasa maju dan berjaya dalam hidup,,
Di dunia,
dan Di Akhirat..

Friday, 24 December 2010

My Lovely Ummi And Abah. Love You Always

I will always love you no matter what age I am,
I will always miss the smile that you gave when I'm success,
I will always remember the tears that fall when you scold me,
I will always appreciate everything you gave to me no matter how small it is.

Ummi,Thanks for your love and kiss on my forehead,
Ummi,thanks for your advice and giving me hope ,
Ummi,Thanks for the food and drink although you're not a good cooker,
And Ummi,thanks for keeping me warm with the cloth that you made.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Congratulations My Sister!!!

Sesungguhnya Kejayaan Yang Engkau Sedang Merasai Terlalu Manis Untuk Dilupakan,
Ucapan Tahnaih Saya Kirimkan Kepada Insan Yang Telah Berjaya Menempuh Pelbagai Dugaan Demi Saat Yang Indah Ini,
Kepada Dr.Sotong,Happy Always Yea.
And Congratulation.
Saya doakan ,mudah-mudahan kak aida,kak ariana,kak aina,and all my sister will always fight for this moment.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Pink Cake For You Kak Aida *^~^*

********************************* DISFRUTAR!!!************************************************

Selamat Hari Lahir Yang Ke-15 Wahai Insan Tersayang..

The sweetness of your smile just like a cake,
The joy inside of you just like the topping of the cake.
The laugh from you just like the happiness we had from the cake
And most of all,
You are much more better than just a cake..



Try Break The Code..Hheehehe..
Happy Birthday Cuttle Fish!!
Moga Kak Aida sentiasa mendapat kerahmatan dan kekukuhan iman.

Friday, 10 December 2010

My Attitude Is Killing Me!!

Sometimes,,people call me as the cold one or maybe a 'serius' one.
Everyone started to call me those kind of name since early of this year.
What's wrong with me?
Mystery? Am I really mystery or I just pretend to be so,,
Confusing , it's killing me,
I'm dying to let it out of my head but it seems I'm going to be suffer for a long time because of those stupid scare things in my heart.

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Kim Bum With His Camera..

Not his camera exactly,
Maybe i'm to obsess with camera,,
Need to do check up!!
Somebody help me!!!!!
Well,,he's cute isn't it??
haha,,Miangnya..Kiddin' jea..

Fallin In Love With Canon eos 500 d!!!

I love it!!
Ahh,,I heard yg camera canon eos 500d ni awesome ,
Well,Canon EOS 500D (also known as EOS Rebel T1i) is an entry to medium level digital SLR camera, used by amateur, student and hobbyist photographers.
Sesuai lah 2 kan?? For student and amatur..
Can't wait to own my own 500d camera!!

Sepah Time!! Baking Cookies $v$

Monday, 6 December 2010

Who Can Be A Good Listener??

Saya terbaca satu artikel daripada sebuah blog yang banyak memberi pengetahuan kepada saya.
Walaupun simple tetapi ia tetap memenuhi apa yang saya perlukan..
And enjoy this...


Apabila kita ada masaalah, kebanyakkan pakar motivasi menggalakkan kita menyuarakan masalah kita kepada seseorang agar masalah itu tidak terpendam dalam jiwa dan akhirnya meletop mengakibatkan berlakunya tindakkan yang tidak baik untuk diri kita dan orang-orang di sekeliling kita.

Saya ingin menasihatkan pelajar supaya memilih orang yang tepat untuk meluahkan isi hati anda. Orang yang paling baik untuk menjadi pendengar yang amanah adalah ibubapa kita, guru kaunseling, pakar kaunseling atau rakan baik yang jujur dan amanah.

Luahan masalah anda hanya boleh dilakukan sebaiknya sekali sahaja, kerana jika anda terlalu kerap menceritakan masalah anda kepada orang lain, anda seolah-olahnya menghantar maklumat masalah itu kepada otak anda dan ini akan mengganggu pencapaian objektif hidup anda.

Jika anda memilih untuk bercerita kepada rakan karib, anda perlulah memastikan rakan anda itu seorang yang jujur, kerana sangat dikuatiri jika beliau akan bercerita kepada orang lain perihal masalah anda.

Kerana itu saya sebenarnya hanya mengesyorkan anda bercerita kepada ibubapa atau pakar kaunseling sahaja.

Ingat, masalah bukan penghalang untuk kita mengecapi kejayaan malahan masaalah boleh mendewasakan pemikiran dan tindakan kita.


It's Up To Me By James J.Metcalfe

I get discouraged now and then When there are clouds of gray,
Until I think about the things
That happened yesterday.
I do not mean the day before Or those of months ago,
But all the yesterday in which I had the chance to grow.
I think of opportunities
That I allowed to die,
And those I took advantage of Before they passed me by.
And I remember that the past Presented quite a plight,
But somehow I endured it and The future seemed all right.
And I remind myself that I am capable and free,
And my success and happiness Are really up to me.
*James J. Metcalfe that is the LAW.


Tips Belajar Drpd Titian Cahaya

1.Pelajar pelulah bersedia sebelum kelas. Pelajar pelu melakukan ulangkaji kepada pelajaran yang telah diajar oleh guru dalam pelajaran yang lepas dan pelajar juga perlu melihat kehadapan iaitu membaca sepintas lalu pelajaran yang akan diajar oleh guru pada hari tersebut.

2.Pelajar perlulah memberi tumpuan kepada pengajaran guru. Sebaiknya, pelajar duduk di bahagian hadapan kelas dan mencatatkan pengajaran guru.

3.Apabila pulang kerumah, pelajar perlulah melihat kembali pelajaran yang diajar oleh guru pada hari tersebut dan seterusnya menyediakan peta minda, membaca peta minta tersebut dan membuat latihan dari tajuk tersebut.

Friday, 3 December 2010

Another Book from Katy Maryon.

Shine By Katy Maryon.

I hope there is someone who is nice and lovely(hehe,,just hoping) can give this book to me as a present..
Mirror,mirror in the Blog,
Who will be the one to give me the book??
Dush,,,the answer,,Don't know..
I'm waiting for you!!! haha..
I'm gettin nut.

Check Out This Book!!!

Glitter By Katy Maryon

Check out this book guys!!
Oh,,how much I love the story line and I'm looking forward to another Katy Maryon's story book which is Shine.
Oh yea,,Buku ni boleh dibeli di kedai-kedai buku seperti MPH, Popular dan sebagainya. Kalau hendak maklumat yang lebih lanjut, boleh search information di HarperCollins.com. And remember, Membaca Jambatan Ilmu so banyak2kan membaca okey?? Enjoy your reading and feel the magic inside it....Whoooshhh..haha..See Yo Later!!!

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Kem Bi 2010 -Long Time Ago

It's already been several months already and I still remember the fun and joy that I had when I went to the English Camp with my classmates. I love the fun that we had and I hope there's still next year for me to experience it again. Hoping for a great time next year. This year just so difficult to me and how much I hope to spill out the bean but,yeah,I also hope to keep it bury under my old,stupid memories.

English Camp bring a new breath to me. I learnt about my friends and guys and the teachers. I'm totally different there. It felt likes I'm not me and I was so shock.

Although this camp was held for 2 days only but I felt so satisfied with everything. I felt brave,shame,happy,willing,sad and wonder. Haha,,You guys can laugh at me cause I know that I'm totally a freaking out person. Well,,see you guys later. In the next story A.K.A memories. Love ya!!

Thursday, 25 November 2010

The Precious Moment With People Around Me

Happiness is a wonderful experience, it lies deep down inside
It’s like a sunflower; it follows the things you enjoy in your life
Happiness recovers you from dark cloudy days
Happiness is not a secret for you to keep
It should be shared with others, so they too can feel the joy that it brings
With happiness you can make a difference in life and to others
Remember happiness can be a healer.

Release Tension with my Mom And My Brother

Ahh!! Seronoknya dapat release tension!!
Thanks to my mom and my brother,Tenang sikit kepala saya.
Well,keadaan yang menenangkan merupakan antara cara yang sesuai untuk kurangkan gangguan dalam hati kita.
Selain daripada tu,banyak2kan lah bersolat dan beristighfar,
Dan jangan lupa untuk bersenam yea??
Fight for your happiness!!

Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Sweet Chocolates!!

Ahh,,sedapnya jika hari ni dapat merasai kemanisan coklat.
So sweet! So happy! So lovely!
Pasti semua orang dah tahu yang coklat dapat membuat kita merasa gembira kan?
Memang seronok bila dapat makan coklat ni,
Lebih2 lagi bila tengah tertekan.
Sudah menjadi satu kewajipan untuk menjadikan coklat sebagai penawar jiwa.
Coklat,Vanilla,Mix Fruits dan lain-lain,,
So,,Enjoy your chocolates!!!

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

You Were Always There..

Thanks Zac,This Poetry Suits Me A Lot..Everyone,,Please Feel The Poems..

Whenever I needed someone to talk to
You were always there.
My eyes filled with tears, my heart filled with pain, and
You were always there.
There was no time when I had doubt
to come to you because
You were always there.
I could see in your eyes you wanted to help, and that you really cared.

Whenever I was down and blue
You were always there.
No matter my problems, are what was wrong
You were always there.
Whenever I felt like nothing matters
You were always there.

Now your gone, and I don't know what to do
I close my eyes and think of you, and how
You were always there.
It's hard to look at the pictures, and get memories of you
Can you hear me now
At night I pray, and I speak to you
I guess you were right when you told me no matter how far you were
You would always be there.
I know one day I'll see you again, but till then I have to say goodbye

Even though it hurts to hear your name, and speak of you
One thing I will always say is
You were always there.

Bicara Buat Hati

Dahulu,aku selalu menyangka kegembiraan akan sentiasa bersamaku jika dia ada bersama,
Dahulu,aku sentiasa mengharapkan nasihat dan gurauan daripadanya,
Dahulu,aku gembira dengan segala yang dia berikan,
Seorang Teman, Saudara Dan Guru,
Betapa aku menghargai setiap kata-kata semangat daripadanya,
Betapa hatiku gembira apabila menyedari aku mempunyai 'kakak' yang prihatin terhadapku.

Tetapi entah mengapa,
Kini aku merasa amat jauh daripada insan yang bergelar 'kakak',
Mungkin salahku kerana menjauhkan diri,
Mungkin salahku kerana terlalu mengambil hati,
Tetapi salahkah jika aku merasa cemburu?
Merasa cemburu apabila 'kakak' mulai mesra dengan yang lain,
Merasa sedih mengenangkan diriku yang terlalu jauh,

Mengapa wahai hati?
Mengapa harus engkau merasa pedih?
Mengapa wahai hati?
Mengapa harus engkau merasa jauh?
mengapa wahai hati?
Mengapa harus engkau mengikut kata nafsu?

Tidak pernah aku berniat ingin menghalang,
Tiada terlintas di hati ingin memarahi,
Namun lumrahlah bagi seorang manusia untuk merasa jauh,
Merasa jauh apabila insan yang penting baginya rapat dengan yang lain,
Betapa aku cuba mendamaikan hati ini,
Betapa aku cuba menenangkan resah di hati ini,

Kini,aku masih mampu bertahan,
Bertahan dengan satu niat,
Dan aku berharap niat ini akan dapat terus menjadi penghalang segala kesakitan,
Dan insya-allah,
Jika aku berniat ingin membantu 'orang itu' ,
Aku akan berasa tenang,

Monday, 22 November 2010

Poems For My Shinning Cousin..

Saya tahu ia agak lewat tapi saya harap ia masih boleh jadi 'hadiah' for you..

It’s birthday time again I see;
Another year's gone by.
We’re older than we used to be;
The thought could make me cry.
For getting older is not such fun,
When there’s hurting in your back,
And it’s agony if you have to run,
And a pleasure to lie in the sack.
Yes getting older is quite a bore,
But to not get old is worse.
So "Happy Birthday!" let’s shout once more,
And to heck with our ride in the hearse!
Hooray for getting older! Happy Birthday and many more.

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Well,,Thats all FROM ME MY DEAR AIMI,,
Wish you always work hard to be the best..
Loving you always,,,

For My Lovely Cousin..

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Nasihat Buat Teman2 ku Yang Bersedih

Kepada semua sahabat-sahabat yang sedang diuji, yang telah diuji & yang belum diuji.. sedarilah bahawa jika anda tidak hidup hanya dalam batasan hari ini saja, maka akan celaru fikiran Anda, akan kacau semua urusan, dan akan semakin menggunung kesedihan dan kegundahan diri Anda.

01.Jangan Bersedih... Cinta Allah dan Rasulullah Menjamin Kebahagiaan

02.Jangan Bersedih... Redha Dengan Anugerah Allah Membuat Anda kaya di Dunia

03.Jangan Bersedih... Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penerima Taubat serta Rahmatnya yang Maha Luas

04.Jangan Bersedih... Semata-mata disebabkan Anda Berbeza dengan Orang lain kerana setiap kejadian Allah itu ada kelebihan tersendiri

05.Jangan Bersedih... Bila Disakiti, Dicela, Direndahkan atau Dizalimi kerana setiap perkara yang berlaku adalah dugaan dari Yang Maha Esa

06.Jangan Bersedih... Sesungguhnya Setelah Kesusahan Akan Ada Kemudahan

07.Jangan Bersedih... Kerana Kesedihan Anda akan Membuat Musuh Anda Gembira

08.Jangan Bersedih... Atas Perilaku Manusia Terhadapmu Tetapi Perhatikanlah Perilaku Mereka Terhadap Allah

09.Jangan Bersedih... Allah Tidak Akan Mensia-siakan Pengorbananmu dan setiap perkara yang baik mahupun buruk ada hikmahnya

Wahai sahabat-sahabat, janganlah bersedih, Dunia ini terlalu hina untuk ditangisi

(Ikhlas daripada ILUVISLAM.)

Someone Is Happy Today..

Hard To Say Sorry

Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say
From each other
Even lovers need a holiday
Far away from each other
Hold me now
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to stay

After all that we've been through,
I will make it up to you
I promise to
And after all that's been said and done
You're just a part of me I can't let go

Couldn't stand to be kept away
Just for the day
From your body
Wouldn't want to be swept away
Far away from the one that I love

Hold me now
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to know

Hold me now
I really want to tell you I'm sorry
I could never let you go
After all that we've been through,
I will make it up to you
I promise to

And after all that's been said and done
You're just a part of me I can't let go
After all that we've been through,
I will make it up to you,
I promise to

And after all that's been said and done
You're just a part of me I can't let go

You're gonna be the lucky one

Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say
Saya memang suka lagu ni,,Walaupun x berkait dgn diri sendiri tp ttp mnyukainya!!

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Today motivation..

The most difficult person to FACE in life is yourself.

A GRATEFUL heart is the cure for loneliness.

Do not judge the FUTURE by the past.

Never stop reaching for the GOAL in front.

Hold on to your BELIEF, then you will overcome difficulties.

TRIVIALITIES can accumulate to an important episode.

Kind DEEDS can bring good returns.

DREAM is our motivation in life.

WISDOM is to understand that the world is ever-changing.

SINCERITY is a natural spring of water.

Danger brings us TRUE friends.

SMILE is the first step of a new life.

So, go on with your life with a new spirit.

Everyday is a new day.

From Iluvislam..

CabaRan KehidupAN

Hidup ini cukup indah. Penuh dengan misteri. Kata orang warna-warni. Adakalanya kita berduka, ada juga masanya kita gembira. Yang penting, dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun, sentiasa ingat kepada Sang Pencipta, Allah s.w.t. Syukur dan sabar; 2 rahsia kejayaan.

Aku melontarkan pandangan ke laur tingkap. Cuaca begitu terang sekali. Ramai sungguh orang keluar menikmati teriknya mentari. Kukira di Malaysia situasinya berbeza. Kita menunggu sang suria beredar barulah kita menampakkan diri. Benar kata orang, kita hanya menghargai sesuatu itu bila kita kehilangannya.

Ok. Kali ini ingin aku kongsikan perbualanku dengan Mr. X tempoh hari.

Kala itu kami sedang menikmati hidangan istimewa di sebuah restoran.

"Pelik betul manusia ni, asyik mengeluhhhh je," Mr. X memulakan bicara.

"Mm..biasa la tu..apa yang peliknya?" Aku menjawab.

"Keluhan tidak menyelesaikan masalah... malah melambatkan proses menyelesaikan masalah."

"Well... bagaimana kalau keluhan itu adalah sebahagian dari proses menyelesaikan masalah?" Aku cuba menghangatkan sedikit perbualan.

"Jika begitu, kita perlu lihat semula kepada sirah.. ingat Khabbab Al-Art?"

Aku menganggukkan kepala. Khabbab Al-Art merupakan orang yang meminta Rasulullah s.a.w. berdoa supaya dilepaskan daripada kezaliman arab Quraisy. Lalu Nabi s.a.w mengingatkan Khabbab akan betapa umat terdahulu ujiannya jauh lagi hebat daripada ujian yang mereka hadapi ini.

"Masalah ni takkan habis... masalah ini akan sentiasa datang sebab kita ini hidup. Bukan hidup-hidupan," Mr. X menyambung bicaranya.

Aku mengiyakan. Tidak mahu menganggu ucapan Mr. X.

"Kereta hanya ada masalah jika kereta tu bergerak. Kalau dok kat umah je, memang tak jumpenya lampu isyarat, polis semua tu. Yang penting adalah kita kena persiapkan diri kita untuk menghadapi masalah ini. Kita di sini untuk menyelesaikan masalah, bukan untuk mencipta masalah."

"Setuju. Dan semakin matang kita semakin besar cabarannya. Cabaran membawa kereta tak sama seperti cabaran membawa lori," aku memotong Mr. X. meminjam analogi yang sama.

"Bagus.. Allah tidak akan memberikan sesuatu di luar kemampuan kita. Fikir dan zikir!" Mr. X menjawab sambil tersenyum.

Cabaran itu akan sentiasa hadir. Dan itulah gunanya kita, manusia yang dikurniakan akal untuk berfikir. Namun harus diingat, kata Hamka, hujung akal adalah pangkal agama. Akal ini ada hadnya.

From Iluvislam..

My Fav List

  • Aku Bukan Superstar Oleh Lily
  • Cats and Its Behavior
  • Dream High
  • Glitter by Katy Maryon
  • Harry potter
  • I'll Be Back
  • Ini Suatu Cerita
  • Oh! My Lady
  • Radha>Relevankah Aku DiHatimu?
  • Twillight



Mulakan Dengan Al-Husna yea?


Your Number Is



Thank You Fly-Fly ^v^=

Happy Belated Birthday My Uncle!

100 days without news,
100 days without call,
100 days without meet,
But no matter what,
100 days doesn't mean I will forget your special day,,
And it is your birth day,
Sorrry sebab lewat 2 hari dan 26 minit.
Nk msg,nom dah hilang so,,
Here,your present.
Mudah2an,Pak lif akan sentiasa maju dan berjaya dalam hidup,,
Di dunia,
dan Di Akhirat..

My Lovely Ummi And Abah. Love You Always

I will always love you no matter what age I am,
I will always miss the smile that you gave when I'm success,
I will always remember the tears that fall when you scold me,
I will always appreciate everything you gave to me no matter how small it is.

Ummi,Thanks for your love and kiss on my forehead,
Ummi,thanks for your advice and giving me hope ,
Ummi,Thanks for the food and drink although you're not a good cooker,
And Ummi,thanks for keeping me warm with the cloth that you made.

Congratulations My Sister!!!

Sesungguhnya Kejayaan Yang Engkau Sedang Merasai Terlalu Manis Untuk Dilupakan,
Ucapan Tahnaih Saya Kirimkan Kepada Insan Yang Telah Berjaya Menempuh Pelbagai Dugaan Demi Saat Yang Indah Ini,
Kepada Dr.Sotong,Happy Always Yea.
And Congratulation.
Saya doakan ,mudah-mudahan kak aida,kak ariana,kak aina,and all my sister will always fight for this moment.

Pink Cake For You Kak Aida *^~^*

********************************* DISFRUTAR!!!************************************************

Selamat Hari Lahir Yang Ke-15 Wahai Insan Tersayang..

The sweetness of your smile just like a cake,
The joy inside of you just like the topping of the cake.
The laugh from you just like the happiness we had from the cake
And most of all,
You are much more better than just a cake..



Try Break The Code..Hheehehe..
Happy Birthday Cuttle Fish!!
Moga Kak Aida sentiasa mendapat kerahmatan dan kekukuhan iman.

My Attitude Is Killing Me!!

Sometimes,,people call me as the cold one or maybe a 'serius' one.
Everyone started to call me those kind of name since early of this year.
What's wrong with me?
Mystery? Am I really mystery or I just pretend to be so,,
Confusing , it's killing me,
I'm dying to let it out of my head but it seems I'm going to be suffer for a long time because of those stupid scare things in my heart.

Kim Bum With His Camera..

Not his camera exactly,
Maybe i'm to obsess with camera,,
Need to do check up!!
Somebody help me!!!!!
Well,,he's cute isn't it??
haha,,Miangnya..Kiddin' jea..

Fallin In Love With Canon eos 500 d!!!

I love it!!
Ahh,,I heard yg camera canon eos 500d ni awesome ,
Well,Canon EOS 500D (also known as EOS Rebel T1i) is an entry to medium level digital SLR camera, used by amateur, student and hobbyist photographers.
Sesuai lah 2 kan?? For student and amatur..
Can't wait to own my own 500d camera!!

Sepah Time!! Baking Cookies $v$

Who Can Be A Good Listener??

Saya terbaca satu artikel daripada sebuah blog yang banyak memberi pengetahuan kepada saya.
Walaupun simple tetapi ia tetap memenuhi apa yang saya perlukan..
And enjoy this...


Apabila kita ada masaalah, kebanyakkan pakar motivasi menggalakkan kita menyuarakan masalah kita kepada seseorang agar masalah itu tidak terpendam dalam jiwa dan akhirnya meletop mengakibatkan berlakunya tindakkan yang tidak baik untuk diri kita dan orang-orang di sekeliling kita.

Saya ingin menasihatkan pelajar supaya memilih orang yang tepat untuk meluahkan isi hati anda. Orang yang paling baik untuk menjadi pendengar yang amanah adalah ibubapa kita, guru kaunseling, pakar kaunseling atau rakan baik yang jujur dan amanah.

Luahan masalah anda hanya boleh dilakukan sebaiknya sekali sahaja, kerana jika anda terlalu kerap menceritakan masalah anda kepada orang lain, anda seolah-olahnya menghantar maklumat masalah itu kepada otak anda dan ini akan mengganggu pencapaian objektif hidup anda.

Jika anda memilih untuk bercerita kepada rakan karib, anda perlulah memastikan rakan anda itu seorang yang jujur, kerana sangat dikuatiri jika beliau akan bercerita kepada orang lain perihal masalah anda.

Kerana itu saya sebenarnya hanya mengesyorkan anda bercerita kepada ibubapa atau pakar kaunseling sahaja.

Ingat, masalah bukan penghalang untuk kita mengecapi kejayaan malahan masaalah boleh mendewasakan pemikiran dan tindakan kita.


It's Up To Me By James J.Metcalfe

I get discouraged now and then When there are clouds of gray,
Until I think about the things
That happened yesterday.
I do not mean the day before Or those of months ago,
But all the yesterday in which I had the chance to grow.
I think of opportunities
That I allowed to die,
And those I took advantage of Before they passed me by.
And I remember that the past Presented quite a plight,
But somehow I endured it and The future seemed all right.
And I remind myself that I am capable and free,
And my success and happiness Are really up to me.
*James J. Metcalfe that is the LAW.


Tips Belajar Drpd Titian Cahaya

1.Pelajar pelulah bersedia sebelum kelas. Pelajar pelu melakukan ulangkaji kepada pelajaran yang telah diajar oleh guru dalam pelajaran yang lepas dan pelajar juga perlu melihat kehadapan iaitu membaca sepintas lalu pelajaran yang akan diajar oleh guru pada hari tersebut.

2.Pelajar perlulah memberi tumpuan kepada pengajaran guru. Sebaiknya, pelajar duduk di bahagian hadapan kelas dan mencatatkan pengajaran guru.

3.Apabila pulang kerumah, pelajar perlulah melihat kembali pelajaran yang diajar oleh guru pada hari tersebut dan seterusnya menyediakan peta minda, membaca peta minta tersebut dan membuat latihan dari tajuk tersebut.

Another Book from Katy Maryon.

Shine By Katy Maryon.

I hope there is someone who is nice and lovely(hehe,,just hoping) can give this book to me as a present..
Mirror,mirror in the Blog,
Who will be the one to give me the book??
Dush,,,the answer,,Don't know..
I'm waiting for you!!! haha..
I'm gettin nut.

Check Out This Book!!!

Glitter By Katy Maryon

Check out this book guys!!
Oh,,how much I love the story line and I'm looking forward to another Katy Maryon's story book which is Shine.
Oh yea,,Buku ni boleh dibeli di kedai-kedai buku seperti MPH, Popular dan sebagainya. Kalau hendak maklumat yang lebih lanjut, boleh search information di HarperCollins.com. And remember, Membaca Jambatan Ilmu so banyak2kan membaca okey?? Enjoy your reading and feel the magic inside it....Whoooshhh..haha..See Yo Later!!!

Kem Bi 2010 -Long Time Ago

It's already been several months already and I still remember the fun and joy that I had when I went to the English Camp with my classmates. I love the fun that we had and I hope there's still next year for me to experience it again. Hoping for a great time next year. This year just so difficult to me and how much I hope to spill out the bean but,yeah,I also hope to keep it bury under my old,stupid memories.

English Camp bring a new breath to me. I learnt about my friends and guys and the teachers. I'm totally different there. It felt likes I'm not me and I was so shock.

Although this camp was held for 2 days only but I felt so satisfied with everything. I felt brave,shame,happy,willing,sad and wonder. Haha,,You guys can laugh at me cause I know that I'm totally a freaking out person. Well,,see you guys later. In the next story A.K.A memories. Love ya!!

The Precious Moment With People Around Me

Happiness is a wonderful experience, it lies deep down inside
It’s like a sunflower; it follows the things you enjoy in your life
Happiness recovers you from dark cloudy days
Happiness is not a secret for you to keep
It should be shared with others, so they too can feel the joy that it brings
With happiness you can make a difference in life and to others
Remember happiness can be a healer.

Release Tension with my Mom And My Brother

Ahh!! Seronoknya dapat release tension!!
Thanks to my mom and my brother,Tenang sikit kepala saya.
Well,keadaan yang menenangkan merupakan antara cara yang sesuai untuk kurangkan gangguan dalam hati kita.
Selain daripada tu,banyak2kan lah bersolat dan beristighfar,
Dan jangan lupa untuk bersenam yea??
Fight for your happiness!!

Sweet Chocolates!!

Ahh,,sedapnya jika hari ni dapat merasai kemanisan coklat.
So sweet! So happy! So lovely!
Pasti semua orang dah tahu yang coklat dapat membuat kita merasa gembira kan?
Memang seronok bila dapat makan coklat ni,
Lebih2 lagi bila tengah tertekan.
Sudah menjadi satu kewajipan untuk menjadikan coklat sebagai penawar jiwa.
Coklat,Vanilla,Mix Fruits dan lain-lain,,
So,,Enjoy your chocolates!!!

You Were Always There..

Thanks Zac,This Poetry Suits Me A Lot..Everyone,,Please Feel The Poems..

Whenever I needed someone to talk to
You were always there.
My eyes filled with tears, my heart filled with pain, and
You were always there.
There was no time when I had doubt
to come to you because
You were always there.
I could see in your eyes you wanted to help, and that you really cared.

Whenever I was down and blue
You were always there.
No matter my problems, are what was wrong
You were always there.
Whenever I felt like nothing matters
You were always there.

Now your gone, and I don't know what to do
I close my eyes and think of you, and how
You were always there.
It's hard to look at the pictures, and get memories of you
Can you hear me now
At night I pray, and I speak to you
I guess you were right when you told me no matter how far you were
You would always be there.
I know one day I'll see you again, but till then I have to say goodbye

Even though it hurts to hear your name, and speak of you
One thing I will always say is
You were always there.

Bicara Buat Hati

Dahulu,aku selalu menyangka kegembiraan akan sentiasa bersamaku jika dia ada bersama,
Dahulu,aku sentiasa mengharapkan nasihat dan gurauan daripadanya,
Dahulu,aku gembira dengan segala yang dia berikan,
Seorang Teman, Saudara Dan Guru,
Betapa aku menghargai setiap kata-kata semangat daripadanya,
Betapa hatiku gembira apabila menyedari aku mempunyai 'kakak' yang prihatin terhadapku.

Tetapi entah mengapa,
Kini aku merasa amat jauh daripada insan yang bergelar 'kakak',
Mungkin salahku kerana menjauhkan diri,
Mungkin salahku kerana terlalu mengambil hati,
Tetapi salahkah jika aku merasa cemburu?
Merasa cemburu apabila 'kakak' mulai mesra dengan yang lain,
Merasa sedih mengenangkan diriku yang terlalu jauh,

Mengapa wahai hati?
Mengapa harus engkau merasa pedih?
Mengapa wahai hati?
Mengapa harus engkau merasa jauh?
mengapa wahai hati?
Mengapa harus engkau mengikut kata nafsu?

Tidak pernah aku berniat ingin menghalang,
Tiada terlintas di hati ingin memarahi,
Namun lumrahlah bagi seorang manusia untuk merasa jauh,
Merasa jauh apabila insan yang penting baginya rapat dengan yang lain,
Betapa aku cuba mendamaikan hati ini,
Betapa aku cuba menenangkan resah di hati ini,

Kini,aku masih mampu bertahan,
Bertahan dengan satu niat,
Dan aku berharap niat ini akan dapat terus menjadi penghalang segala kesakitan,
Dan insya-allah,
Jika aku berniat ingin membantu 'orang itu' ,
Aku akan berasa tenang,

Poems For My Shinning Cousin..

Saya tahu ia agak lewat tapi saya harap ia masih boleh jadi 'hadiah' for you..

It’s birthday time again I see;
Another year's gone by.
We’re older than we used to be;
The thought could make me cry.
For getting older is not such fun,
When there’s hurting in your back,
And it’s agony if you have to run,
And a pleasure to lie in the sack.
Yes getting older is quite a bore,
But to not get old is worse.
So "Happy Birthday!" let’s shout once more,
And to heck with our ride in the hearse!
Hooray for getting older! Happy Birthday and many more.

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Well,,Thats all FROM ME MY DEAR AIMI,,
Wish you always work hard to be the best..
Loving you always,,,

For My Lovely Cousin..

Nasihat Buat Teman2 ku Yang Bersedih

Kepada semua sahabat-sahabat yang sedang diuji, yang telah diuji & yang belum diuji.. sedarilah bahawa jika anda tidak hidup hanya dalam batasan hari ini saja, maka akan celaru fikiran Anda, akan kacau semua urusan, dan akan semakin menggunung kesedihan dan kegundahan diri Anda.

01.Jangan Bersedih... Cinta Allah dan Rasulullah Menjamin Kebahagiaan

02.Jangan Bersedih... Redha Dengan Anugerah Allah Membuat Anda kaya di Dunia

03.Jangan Bersedih... Allah Maha Pengampun lagi Maha Penerima Taubat serta Rahmatnya yang Maha Luas

04.Jangan Bersedih... Semata-mata disebabkan Anda Berbeza dengan Orang lain kerana setiap kejadian Allah itu ada kelebihan tersendiri

05.Jangan Bersedih... Bila Disakiti, Dicela, Direndahkan atau Dizalimi kerana setiap perkara yang berlaku adalah dugaan dari Yang Maha Esa

06.Jangan Bersedih... Sesungguhnya Setelah Kesusahan Akan Ada Kemudahan

07.Jangan Bersedih... Kerana Kesedihan Anda akan Membuat Musuh Anda Gembira

08.Jangan Bersedih... Atas Perilaku Manusia Terhadapmu Tetapi Perhatikanlah Perilaku Mereka Terhadap Allah

09.Jangan Bersedih... Allah Tidak Akan Mensia-siakan Pengorbananmu dan setiap perkara yang baik mahupun buruk ada hikmahnya

Wahai sahabat-sahabat, janganlah bersedih, Dunia ini terlalu hina untuk ditangisi

(Ikhlas daripada ILUVISLAM.)

Someone Is Happy Today..

Hard To Say Sorry

Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say
From each other
Even lovers need a holiday
Far away from each other
Hold me now
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to stay

After all that we've been through,
I will make it up to you
I promise to
And after all that's been said and done
You're just a part of me I can't let go

Couldn't stand to be kept away
Just for the day
From your body
Wouldn't want to be swept away
Far away from the one that I love

Hold me now
It's hard for me to say I'm sorry
I just want you to know

Hold me now
I really want to tell you I'm sorry
I could never let you go
After all that we've been through,
I will make it up to you
I promise to

And after all that's been said and done
You're just a part of me I can't let go
After all that we've been through,
I will make it up to you,
I promise to

And after all that's been said and done
You're just a part of me I can't let go

You're gonna be the lucky one

Everybody needs a little time away
I heard her say
Saya memang suka lagu ni,,Walaupun x berkait dgn diri sendiri tp ttp mnyukainya!!

Today motivation..

The most difficult person to FACE in life is yourself.

A GRATEFUL heart is the cure for loneliness.

Do not judge the FUTURE by the past.

Never stop reaching for the GOAL in front.

Hold on to your BELIEF, then you will overcome difficulties.

TRIVIALITIES can accumulate to an important episode.

Kind DEEDS can bring good returns.

DREAM is our motivation in life.

WISDOM is to understand that the world is ever-changing.

SINCERITY is a natural spring of water.

Danger brings us TRUE friends.

SMILE is the first step of a new life.

So, go on with your life with a new spirit.

Everyday is a new day.

From Iluvislam..

CabaRan KehidupAN

Hidup ini cukup indah. Penuh dengan misteri. Kata orang warna-warni. Adakalanya kita berduka, ada juga masanya kita gembira. Yang penting, dalam apa jua keadaan sekalipun, sentiasa ingat kepada Sang Pencipta, Allah s.w.t. Syukur dan sabar; 2 rahsia kejayaan.

Aku melontarkan pandangan ke laur tingkap. Cuaca begitu terang sekali. Ramai sungguh orang keluar menikmati teriknya mentari. Kukira di Malaysia situasinya berbeza. Kita menunggu sang suria beredar barulah kita menampakkan diri. Benar kata orang, kita hanya menghargai sesuatu itu bila kita kehilangannya.

Ok. Kali ini ingin aku kongsikan perbualanku dengan Mr. X tempoh hari.

Kala itu kami sedang menikmati hidangan istimewa di sebuah restoran.

"Pelik betul manusia ni, asyik mengeluhhhh je," Mr. X memulakan bicara.

"Mm..biasa la tu..apa yang peliknya?" Aku menjawab.

"Keluhan tidak menyelesaikan masalah... malah melambatkan proses menyelesaikan masalah."

"Well... bagaimana kalau keluhan itu adalah sebahagian dari proses menyelesaikan masalah?" Aku cuba menghangatkan sedikit perbualan.

"Jika begitu, kita perlu lihat semula kepada sirah.. ingat Khabbab Al-Art?"

Aku menganggukkan kepala. Khabbab Al-Art merupakan orang yang meminta Rasulullah s.a.w. berdoa supaya dilepaskan daripada kezaliman arab Quraisy. Lalu Nabi s.a.w mengingatkan Khabbab akan betapa umat terdahulu ujiannya jauh lagi hebat daripada ujian yang mereka hadapi ini.

"Masalah ni takkan habis... masalah ini akan sentiasa datang sebab kita ini hidup. Bukan hidup-hidupan," Mr. X menyambung bicaranya.

Aku mengiyakan. Tidak mahu menganggu ucapan Mr. X.

"Kereta hanya ada masalah jika kereta tu bergerak. Kalau dok kat umah je, memang tak jumpenya lampu isyarat, polis semua tu. Yang penting adalah kita kena persiapkan diri kita untuk menghadapi masalah ini. Kita di sini untuk menyelesaikan masalah, bukan untuk mencipta masalah."

"Setuju. Dan semakin matang kita semakin besar cabarannya. Cabaran membawa kereta tak sama seperti cabaran membawa lori," aku memotong Mr. X. meminjam analogi yang sama.

"Bagus.. Allah tidak akan memberikan sesuatu di luar kemampuan kita. Fikir dan zikir!" Mr. X menjawab sambil tersenyum.

Cabaran itu akan sentiasa hadir. Dan itulah gunanya kita, manusia yang dikurniakan akal untuk berfikir. Namun harus diingat, kata Hamka, hujung akal adalah pangkal agama. Akal ini ada hadnya.

From Iluvislam..

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